CTCP means "Client To Client Protocol" . CTCPs are messages that start with the ascii char 0x1, and they are used to transfer useful information from a client to a client .

CTCP is not related with the IRC network . CTCP is a PRIVMSG starting with 0x1 , but there is no difference for the IRC server .

TurboIRC recognizes and automatically responds to CTCPs . CTCP requests are sent via PRIVMSG and CTCP replies are sent via NOTICE . Using the /ctcp alias , ( see Default Aliases ) or using the menus , you can CTCP a user to obtain any value . Standard CTCP messages include :

Any client can sent any other type of CTCP . Althouth IRCX servers have the REQUEST and REPLY IRCX commands ( see the IRCX Draft ) , the CTCP's are still in use .

You can use Preferences to configure many CTCP's , as well as events to handle undefined CTCP's . See Events .

DCC requests are also CTCP's . See DCC Sessions .

In the released version , TurboIRC might support the extension of CTCP , CTCP/2 .